Gamer's Grass: Laser Plants:

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Dumb Cane Lords and Ladies Agave Banana Tree Elephant Ear Alien Rosette Alien Flytrap Bracken Dry Braken Monstera
  • Dumb Canes are short-stem plants with dense basal rosettes of beautifully ornamented large leaves. They can be used to add a layer of diverse tones and textures to your bases and dioramas. 
    • This sheet contains 47 different color and sized dumb cane leaf groups for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.
  • Lords-and-Ladies are woodland poisonous plants, native to the Mediterranean region, frequently found in the shadowed ground-layers of forests and riverbanks. They are ideal to give some scale diversity to your dioramas.
    • This sheet contains 103 different color and sized lords-and-ladies leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.
  • Agave is an American species, common in its dry habitats. It is also cultivated worldwide as an ornamental plant and naturalized in many regions. Its beautiful green leaves with prickly margins and yellow bands are perfect to give color to your semi-desertic scenarios.
    • This sheet contains 70 different color and sized agave leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.
  • Banana trees are great to give color and diversity to your scenes. They are ideal to create dwarf banana trees, bird of paradise plants and other clumps of long dark green leaves.
    • This sheet contains 52 different color and sized banana tree leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.
  • Elephant ear is a tropical species native from south Asia, widely cultivated and used as an ornamental plant. It’s large leaves are splendid to create dense jungle layers as well as garden paths.
    • This sheet contains 51 different color and sized elephant ear leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.
  • These colorful Alien Rosettes (named after the earth plant Verbascum, with similar basal rosettes) with intense textured leaves, are ideal to create glowing and vivid extraterrestrial scenarios.
    • This sheet contains 47 different color and sized alien rosette leaf groups for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas."
  • Alien Flytraps (named after the earth Dionaea plants) are giant bright-blue-coloured glowing carnivorous plants, becoming reddish-brown and poisonous with maturation. They are great to give danger and beauty to your scenes.
    • This sheet contains 52 different color and sized alien flytrap leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas."
  • Bracken is a very common fern, widespread in temperate and subtropical regions in both hemispheres. Bracken leaves can be used to recreate many kinds of fern-rich habitats with great realism.
    • This sheet contains 22 different color and sized bracken leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas."
  • Dry Bracken is a very common fern, here in its autumnal dry form. Dry brown bracken leaves can be used alone or mixed with green bracken leaves to give more realism to large fern-rich stands.
    • This sheet contains 26 different color and sized dry bracken leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas."
  • Monstera is a mexican plant, largely disseminated in tropical habitats and widely grown as a houseplant. It can be used to create different scenarios, from dense rainforest to indoors decorative plant pots.
    • This sheet contains 47 different color and sized monstera leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas."